IBOL Kitteh humor

See? Cats and boxes go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

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12 Responses to “IBOL Kitteh humor”

  1. Kit Says:

    My cat gets caught in those traps all the time.

    I LOVE this idea. Please may I have the mailing address? My crafting group would love to send a bundle (maybe more!). Thank you!!

  2. Marge Gordon Says:

    Address please, I have bundles!

  3. Karen G. Says:

    I want to help you get 500 boxes in one day!!! Send me the address, please.

  4. Ellena Oglesby Says:

    Please send your address, I am making bundles,

  5. Lazy Gal Tonya R Says:

    I’ve got cats in traps all over the place here too. Can you please send me the address. thanks.

  6. IBOL Guy Says:

    500 boxes in one day — now that would be something!

  7. quiltdivajulie Says:

    I wondered what you would do with all the empty boxes once the bundles arrive!

    (my kitty covets her empty Staples copy paper box – she LOVES boxes!)

  8. SuzAnn Says:

    LOVE those cat traps! And thanks for the updates; reading your blog warms my heart and I think your 500 boxes goal is more than doable.

  9. Jennie Says:

    I already have the address, I was just wondering… I have 2 queen-size quilt tops (not quilted or anything). Can those be used? I will send them along if they are OK!!

  10. dearmrsreese Says:

    I’m in the process of packing my bundle and I’m ready for the address. hcotten(at)hotmail(dot)com

  11. an encourager Says:


  12. kai Says:

    My friend sent me a link to this yesterday. I’ve just finished reading your blog in reverse order, and I think what you’re doing is fantastic! I just wish I had known about it sooner.

    I’m leaving a comment on this post because I LOVE the cat traps. My 4 kitties will definitely be helping me put bundles together….especially if it involves any kind of yarn ;D.

    Would you prefer bundles to be segregated, like quilting bundle, knitting bundle, or is it cool to mix knitting and quilting supplies in the same bundle?

    Please send me the warehouse address. I’ll put my bundles together this weekend!

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