What is a website if it doesn’t have frequently asked questions?

1.  Is it OK if I’m the point of contact for my guild / group / coven / demolition derby team? Absolutely!

2. What APO address should I use? When you leave me a comment, I will contact you with all the details.

3.  Is there specific “not later than” date by which boxes need to be postmarked? Right now, that’s 31 July 2011.  Give or take.

4.  What do you mean – self contained bundles? See the page on building a bundle.

5.  Can I tell others about this? Sure — send them the URL (ibol.wordpress.com).

6.  I’m not in the US.  Isn’t there an easier way, than mailing stuff in the wrong direction? Nope.  There use to be a way to do this, through Superhero Ken in the NL, but he’s (gasp!) retired back to North Carolina.  I’m trying to find another way to do this.

7.  If I’m not in the US, does it really matter what size box I use? Nope.  It absolutely does not matter (for anyone!) what size or type or style box you use.  The beauty of the flat rate US Postal System boxes is that they’re just $12.50, no matter the weight, but if that’s not an option, send whatever works for you.

8.  What, no love for knitters? What? Of course there’s love for knitters.  Send yard.  Send needle thingies.  Send the Yard Harlot.

9. Since I’m mailing stuff from the US through the USPS, can you tell me about this customs form requirement? Absolutely.  The link with details is here.  It’s a 2976-A, aka the big form.  It really doesn’t take very long to fill it out — it asks for details on the sender, recipient, and contents.  You can even fill it out online, here.

10. Is there a shorter URL I can use in Twitter? Yep — this this one: http://bit.ly/y55uo

11. How much time do I have? Stuff needs to be in the mail by the end f July 2011 in order to make it there in time.

255 Responses to “FAQ”

  1. Flushing out the basics « Iraqi Bundles of Love Says:

    […] the basics By IBOL Guy I have added two sections today — a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section, and a piece on how to build a bundle.  I also added the basics of the About Me page, but […]

    • Suzie Lewis Says:

      Good grief.. pressure’s on to get stuff in the mail tomorrow. Just saw Lee Cataluna’s article in the Honolulu Advertiser about this great movement. Want to contribute.. what’s the address, please.

      Aloha & God Bless you all!

      • Joy Says:

        What a wonderful idea. I’m not a quilter but have saved fabric thru the years. You are enabling us to send bundles of love to our sisters in Iraq. Blessings!

    • Amy Wilder Says:

      I’d love to participate. Please send the address.

  2. Dianna Grundhauser Says:

    Please send me info – saw the details on Robin’s blog (Simply Robin). LOVE THIS IDEA and can’t wait to send a box. Aloha, Dianna in Maui

  3. Angie Says:

    Please send me your APO so I can send out a bundle. I’ll post the link on my blog as well.

  4. Connie Jones Says:

    What kind of supplies are you looking for?

  5. What to send « Iraqi Bundles of Love Says:

    […] so I will try to add to it as things come to mind and as people ask questions (as I am doing to the FAQ and Building a Bundle […]

  6. Helen Roady Says:

    Thank you so much for doing this. I can’t wait and I know they will truly appreciate them. This will also provide the perfect opportunity for me to pack up quite a few bundles from my Mother’s fabric piles. Please send the address and in the meantime I’ll get my boxes ready.

  7. Monika Says:

    This sounds like one of those projects that will really heal and connect. Could you please send me the mailing address?

    Kind Regards from Toronto, Canada


  8. Vivien Zepf Says:

    Love to help. Can you send me the APO?

    Also, do you all need anything? I’ve worked with our local Operation Support Our Troops and I know lip balm, Crystal Light, socks, etc are high on the list of “would like to haves”. Can I put some of that stuff in, too? Anything else?

    Thanks for all you do.

  9. Jean S. Says:

    Please send me the mailing address. Heaven knows I have more than I’ll ever use and I can pass some of it on for this worthy cause.

  10. floribunda Says:

    okay, I promise not to send the cat — but I do still need your APO mailing address…


  11. Connie Rose Says:

    Putting a box together today and need an address. Thanks!

  12. SEW FUN QUILTS Says:

    Am passing the word to others today through my blog.

    I need the APO address, and my sisters & I are getting boxes ready.

    Please send address to my email.

    Thanks for doing this

  13. Susan Says:

    Please send me your address so that I can send a bundle.

  14. Amy Says:

    Send me the address, I’ll get working a bundle tonight.

  15. Barbara Galentin Says:

    I want to contribute. Please let me know the address to send it to. Thanks for doing this!!!

  16. Patty Matthews Says:

    I am excited about this project. Count me in

  17. maura Says:

    Sign me up! If you send me the address I’ll fill a box tomorrow. Thanks for going above and beyond!

  18. Meredith Says:

    I already have my bundle together! Please send me your APO. Also – is it ok to send a pair of scissors?

    Thanks so much for doing this…what a great idea!

  19. Mary Ann Scanlon Says:

    The happy Zombie sent me…and I am in! Address please..wonderful idea.

  20. IBOL Guy Says:

    The happy Zombie…. I don’t even know what that means! Sounds good to me, though — I’m all about the zombies.

  21. Sally Says:

    Happy Zombie is a blog – she sent me too! Send me your APO address and I’ll get a box together too. I recently inherited someone’s sewing goods and there are lots of notions to share.

  22. brenda Says:

    I’m sending a bundle, please give me mailing info. Thanks.

  23. jacquie Says:

    i’m putting my bundle together as we speak. please send me the APO and it’ll be on its way.

  24. Connie Sayler Says:

    Please send me the mailing info and I will put together a box of crafty items. Thank you for providing an opportunity for me to help and share. This is an incredible idea. Thank you. Take Care and be safe!!!

  25. Amanda Says:

    Count me in! Thanks for heading this up!

  26. 2hippos Says:

    This looks awesome. I’ll definitely send some stuff your way, and I’ve posted about it on my blog as well.

  27. Pam Stroud Says:

    I would love to participate. Please send me your address asap. I’ll share the info with my quilting friends!

  28. michelle gardella Says:

    You instruct that we should email you, but I don’t see an email address. I would LOVE to get this going. Please send me the mailing addy.
    Many Thanks,

  29. Christine Johnson Says:

    Love this project and want to help. Please send the APO address.

    And thank you for your own service and your family’s, as well. My family is Navy and I know that everyone sacrifices, especially during a deployment.

  30. Erica Says:

    I would love to donate some of my stash to a worthy cause. Please send me the address.


  31. Heidi Elliott Says:

    Please send me you APO 🙂 I have yarn and sewing supplies!

  32. Regina Engling Says:

    I would love to participate – we can show that there’s one thread that connects us all in this big world.

  33. gail norback Says:

    I do not have a blog. Please send me the address for the boxes. Thank you for your idea and what it will generate. God Bless You too!! Gail Norback e- mail ggnorback@aol.com

  34. Kathryn Says:

    Wonderful idea! Please send me the APO. Another awesome project is Women for Women Int’l. (www.womenforwomen.org) Thank you for all that you do.

  35. Jessica R Says:

    I have an older but reliable sewing machine that has been sitting around in a corner for quite some time. I am willing to pay the postage but I’m unsure whether the electrical voltage/Hertz there will fry it and make it more junk and whether the utilities are up enough (from new reports) that it will be useful. I can do some basic instructional sketches for how to run the machine to send with. I just want to be certain that it will not blow up when it’s plugged in (no IED pun intended.) I’d be interested in having the APO address even if the sewing machine won’t work – I have a velvet comforter that will never get finished (and the pix of what it was supposed to look like) and some other yardage I could part with and never remember that I ever had. Thanks for the opportunity and here’s hoping your personal guardian Angel is riding your ass every minute!

  36. Valerie Says:

    I really wish the Zombies had sent me here (just love the idea of that!) but, really, it was the Pink Chalk studio (http://pinkchalkstudio.com/blog) that sent me. I have, possibly, several boxes of fabric, etc., that I could send – tell me where and I on it!

    Thanks to all of you brave men and women helping to make the world a better place!

    Taylors, SC

  37. maura Says:

    I want to pack up some boxes. Can I have the mailing address?

  38. Jackie Says:

    What a wonderful idea. I would like to make up a box. Can you please send me your APO address? Thank you.

  39. Janet M Says:

    Please send me the mailing address and I will send a box.

  40. lia Says:

    Hello! What a wonderful project! Reading through this website warmed my heart and brought tears to my eyes. Please send me the mailing address and I will get some boxes to you.

  41. Rachel Says:

    Jacquie are working out the blue barbells so where do I send my goods?
    thanks goodness its to an APO address! Totally saves on postage! 🙂

    please send me the address, Im packing now.

  42. Julia Says:

    Hello, I am also planning on sending a bundle to you! Please contact me with details.

  43. LaceLady Says:

    I’m in – yarn, needles, fabric, you absolutely~betcha! Fabulous!

  44. Pam Says:

    What a wonderful idea. I’ll be sending a box. Please send me the APO address. Thanks for coordinating such a great project. Here’s to the quiltlers of the world.

  45. Judith Clarke Says:

    I would love to send a bundle. What is the proper address? Thanks

  46. patti Says:

    i’m in and i know other people who will do this to. what’s the address, thanks, patti

  47. IBOL Guy Says:

    Christine Johnson, your email addressed bounced! I can’t reach you. Send me another note!

  48. Paula Says:

    Would love to send a box-just need the adress. Am also wondering about sending scissors. Thank you!

  49. Paula Says:

    Oh-and just quilting supplies? Or other kinds of fabric as well?

  50. Linda Revis Says:

    Please send me the address. I come from a military family (my Dad was a China Marine from WWII) and I want to thank you and your fellow soldiers for what you do. You people are the real heroes.
    Semper Fi

  51. Lori Allison Says:

    I’m in! Send me the address please!

  52. Anita H. Says:

    Hi – My “stash” is Beyond Expected Lifetime. Please help !
    Send me the address ASAP. Thanks a bunch.
    God watch over you all.

  53. gwensmom Says:

    Please send me the address- I have lots of great stuff!
    sarahmct AT YaHoO DOT com

  54. Ellen Terry Says:

    I’m assembling my IBOL. Where should I send it? Thanks for organizing this project and, also, a heartfelt thanks for your service to our country.

  55. Susan Ramey Cleveland Says:

    Are there any Muslin taboos I should know about before sending my bundle. I wouldn’t want to insult anyone or cause trouble with the wrong color/print, etc.

  56. Susan Ramey Cleveland Says:

    Oh, and also please send me the address. Thanks.

  57. Mirjam Says:

    Great initiative! Could you please send me the NL adress?
    Best wishes.

  58. Paula Wedig Says:

    Please send your address – some of my quilt club are interested….

  59. Lee Humphrey Says:

    This is simply awesome. A number of my fellow quilting sisters on the Quilters Corner Group forum in eBay are sending buncles your way. I have been out of pocket and out of the loop for several weeks so I am behind them. Please send me the address so that I can get my bundle coming your way.

  60. Irene Jackson Says:

    Can you give me the Netherlands address as I am going over there and can then post it easily as I live in the UK. Unless of course you have an address over in the UK.


  61. IBOL Guy Says:

    Hmmm. Taboo. Maybe not prints of pigs. Of the Star of David. Or Christian things, for that matter. beyond that, send what you can and we’ll deal with it when it gets here! Plain is good.

  62. Judy Says:

    Box ready, just need the address.

  63. josie Says:

    I’d like to get a box ready. Please could you email me the address too.
    Thank you.

  64. Pat Petrovich Says:

    So happy to hear of IBOL as I am sorting through my stash these days. Now I know where to send my treasures. Have shared your URL with my quilt guild and friends who sew. Thanks so much.

  65. lindaschiffer Says:

    I’d love to send a couple of bundles. Address please?

    🙂 Linda

  66. Maggie Cunningham Says:

    I don’t have a web site. Please send me the address to mail a Bundle of Love. Thanks, maggie cunnningham

  67. CJ Says:

    Please let me know the details – address for sure.

  68. Michele Says:

    I’m interested. Please let me know address

  69. LMayo Says:

    please send APO address! thank!

  70. Gretchen Says:

    Please email me the address and I would be happy to send a bundle.

  71. Stephanie Hanson Says:

    What a wonderful project, and what a wonderful son, husband and dad you are. I’d like to send a box. And, the most important of all–thank you for your service to our country and my family.
    All the best,

  72. T. Doan Says:

    please let me know where to send things.

  73. Tracy Says:

    What a great project!! I want in. Send me the address!!

  74. Sara Homeyer Says:

    Please send me the APO address so I can send my bundle, and also I can share it with my quilting bee members on Thursday evening.

  75. Elaine Blythe Says:

    What a wonderful idea! Once I have your address, I will dig through my stash (probably large enough to open a fabric store) and find some goodies to share. Great to know we have military personnel over there trying to help the Iraqui women. Take care……..Elaine Blythe

  76. Lynda Green Says:

    I’m another member of the Army family – son is a captain in the reserves – and I do believe in supporting military efforts when possible. Please send your address. Your act of kindness is admirable.

  77. Pat Says:

    Please send me the address.

    I can definitely fill at least one box – have some nice big pieces for sewing clothes that I never used and extra thread and needles.

  78. Donna K from N TX Says:

    Please send me info re: Bundle for Iraq. I have many extras that could be put to good use by someone else. Thanks.

  79. Elizabeth Messer Says:

    Please send me an address. Also, is knit fabric OK (Like polyester knit or cotton knit? How about flannel?


  80. sandra Says:

    I would like to join in, please send the address.

  81. Mary Jo Campbell Says:

    I am also interested in an address. I have been sewing for years and have a bundle to send. Great idea.

  82. Ellen Reneke Says:

    Thanks so much for giving us an opportunity to share our blessings.
    I’ve got my bundle ready to go, so I need the address. Again, thanks.

  83. Susan Druding Says:


    Please send me the shipping address – I’d love to send yarn and fabric.

    Great idea!! I hope someone might take it over after Sept 7?

    Susan in Berkeley, CA

  84. Lori Says:

    I LOVE this idea! So terrific! What a wonderful thing to do. Please count me in—I have more than I need and would love to share. I cant wait to get my box started.

    Take good care!

  85. Jill Says:

    Need address for sending from overseas. Thanks!

  86. linda perry Says:

    I need the address -I’ll get a bundle ready over the weekend and pick up a p.o. box on Monday. this is a great idea-should we send anything personal-I know they can’t read what we write -is a smiley face appropiate as Muslims don’t believe in pictures of people etc.?

  87. Siobhan Thurston Says:

    My best friend in California just forwarded notice of your work to me here in RI. I’m sending a bundle out Monday! Good work!! 🙂

  88. Eileen Says:

    I would love to get a bundle together! Please send me the address.

  89. Marilyn Kalinowski Says:

    Please provide the APO. I have multiple pieces in the washing machine right now and will dry and iron them pre-shipping.

  90. Rose in Arizona Says:

    If I send a box by this Mon. or Tues. will it make it in time?

  91. Arlene Aungst Says:

    I heard about your wonderful idea from my Bakersfield friend.
    My “bundle of love” is securely wrapped, ready for shipping.
    Send me your address.
    Be safe, be God’s

  92. RobinW Says:

    I want to help too. Please send mailing info.

  93. Rita Gaskill Says:

    Please send me your address. I would like to participate in this project. I have materials to share–both quilting and knitting. Thank you!

  94. Robert Siefert Says:

    Can I send complete garments? Like shirts, pants, etc? I don’t really have fabric, but I have lots of old clothes…

  95. MaryRuth Sadler Says:

    I need an address to mail the bundles. My son served in Iraq and repeatedly said he wished the locals hadn’t been so afraid of him and his unit because it kept them from doing many useful contact things. Thanks for doing this and giving the rest of us this opportunity.


    career navy wife and marine mother

  96. Angela Says:

    I’m headed to the PO to pick up a box, please send me the address I need to mail before Aug. 30 because I’m going on vacation. thanks for doing this. Angie

  97. Liz Says:

    A bundle is on its way from me via Sew Mama Sew….

  98. notablogger Says:

    Hi there.

    Please send info for sending a bundle from the Netherlands.


  99. Hedgehog Says:

    Hello from Finland! I have a bundle ready to send – just need the Netherlands address. Thanks, good luck, thanks to everyone there on the ground, and stay safe!

  100. persis Says:

    Found about this from Sew Mama Sew blog. I’ve got fabric and yarn that needs a good home. Please send me the address. Thanks!

  101. stacy Says:

    Can you send me the mailing address? I’m working with my mom’s church sewing group to compile bundles. Thanks so much!

  102. :) Says:

    Please send me the address for mailing from the US! Thanks 🙂

  103. Kim Says:

    I’ve got some fabric and things to send, too! Please email me the address : )

  104. Iraqi Bundles of Love — the intro « Iraqi Bundles of Love Says:

    […] you need more information, there are frequently asked questions here and more on what to send / not to send […]

    • Harolyn Burns Says:

      This just came to my attention and it is very timely—we are packing to move and I have a stuffed sewing room! The PO here says that the biggest FPO box they have is 12X12X6—which is smaller than I expected. But I’ll fill a couple of them tonight and wait for the address.

  105. Penelope Jaenichen Says:

    Please send me the address! I’m in Okinawa, if I MPS it will it get there fast enough? I’ve never sent anything MPS off island.

  106. Jane Says:

    Do you have an address for Canadians to use? Thanks!

  107. Tammy Brown Says:

    Send your APO, please. I’m rearin’ to get it sent out!

  108. Wendy Batzel Says:

    I would love to send some fabric and other stuff.
    Can you please send me the address? Does everything still need to be postmarked by Sept 7?

  109. Sophia Says:

    I’d like to send a bundle. I’m also suggesting that you have an intro page or something. I was directed here by a friend, but I was totally confused as to your mission. It is fantastic and deserves attention, but I had a really hard time figuring out what you were doing – even in the FAQs. Even if you just added a ‘What are you doing’ question, and then answered it!

    Thank you 🙂

  110. Nina Stevens Says:

    Wonderful!!!!! To what address do I send a bundle? Thank you!

  111. Carrie Says:

    I am preparing my package, can you send me the details.
    This is one of the most fun things I have done this summer!!!

    Thanks, Carrie

  112. Donna Halpern Says:

    I would like to participate. Please send me the APO address – we are running out of time. Thanks.

  113. Amy L Says:

    Hi, I’m interested in participating (and will hopefully be going to a post office today!) Please let me know where to send the package. 🙂

    Best regards,

  114. Patty kendall Says:

    Hi IBOL guy –
    I’d love to send a package or more to you. I’ve been wondering for years what I was going to do with all the unused fabric I’ve collected! Thanks for giving me a wonderful way to share.
    Please send address for IBOL packages to me and I’ll pack up & mail today!!

  115. Cherie Vidovich Says:

    I would like to send a bundle. Please send me the address. Thanks

  116. Terry Beckett Says:

    I’ve been looking for an excuse to clean out my craft bureau. This would be a great opportunity, deadline included. Glad to see the stuff go to good use. Let me know where to send it. Thanks for setting it up. TerryB

  117. Lisa Gheno-Cuevas Says:

    Hi I’d love to send you a bundle asap!! Hope to hear from you soon – this is a great way to help the Iraqi people!

  118. Suzette Says:

    Please send the address – is there anyone else who will be doing this after you head home? I know of a few ladies at church who’d love to put together boxes but I only just found out about this – need more time!
    thanks for such a practical way to help the women of Iraq.

  119. Hilary Says:

    I would like to send a bundle! I need an address. Thank you for doing this project!

  120. Muriel Says:

    I’m from the Netherlands. Could you give the NL address? I think my bundle would still be on time if I can send it to an addres close to me.
    This is a great project! Thanks for organizing it! Good luck!

  121. Elizabeth Says:

    ok – send it it over – there is a whole lot sitting here waiting to get there!

  122. joanner Says:

    just read about this on another blog. Please sign me up. Thanks!

  123. EmilyM Says:

    address please!! I want to destash to a good cause……

  124. Caryn Says:

    Please send the address — I’ve got bundles to send! Is it ok to send scissors???

    Thank you!

  125. Laura Says:

    I would love to send some yarn. Could you let me know where to send it?
    (Also, what a great idea. Thank you.)

  126. Thoughts of Beauty » Iraqi Bundles of Love Overall Beauty Sending 9 Pounds of Yarn! Says:

    […] When all else fails, the frequently asked questions are here: https://ibol.wordpress.com/faq/ The Facebook page is here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Iraqi-Bundles-of-Love/114608201774 […]

  127. Megan Says:

    Came here via Sew Mama Sew. Eager to help! Please send APO. Thanks!

  128. m. thorn Says:

    i’d love to send a box… please send me the address.

  129. Ivory Says:

    please let me know the address to contact

  130. Gretchen Miller Says:

    Hi – I just heard about this today. I’d love to put something together and send it off. Hopefully I’ll get your address in enough time to get it in the mail. Please send me the address on where to send the bundle.

    Thank you for doing this – Gretchen

  131. Solidia Says:

    Hello! I would love to help you. I can get a bundle in the mail ASAP.

  132. Terri Hewitt Says:

    I would love to help! I’ll have it ready to send the moment I get your address! What a fabulous idea!
    Many blessings to you and all the wonderful people building bridges for peace!

  133. Ruth Sinclair Says:

    Please send the address to me and I have several others to pass it on to…great idea…thanks for all your work on this project…

  134. Nancy Denberg Says:

    Please send me the address where I can send my bundle to. THANK YOU!! I went to the site you forwarded to me, but I am a bit awkward with the computer. sorry. If I can’t get it post marked by sept 7 can I still send the bundle? I am out of town until SEpt 5, and actually sept 7 is labor day, the ups is closed i think.

  135. Barbara Klein Says:

    Please send me the APO address. I will be happy to share supplies.

  136. Kristen Wall Says:

    I would like to send a bundle. Thank you!

  137. Marie Says:

    Count me in!
    Sounds like a lot of fun.

  138. Julie Says:

    I’m putting together my bundle! Thank you! What a wonderful project.

  139. fiona Says:

    Hi! I’m in! Can you send me the European postal address?
    Thanks, Fiona.

  140. Anne Says:

    Send me the address, please!

  141. Lety Says:

    What a great idea! I have more than I will ever use (Yarn Beyond Life Expectancy) and would love to participate. Please send me the address.

  142. Rhonda Says:

    count me in. The is the right thing to do. Will be sharing the info with other quilters

  143. April Says:

    I’d love to send some yarn and fabric things your way. Please send me the address.


  144. Saundra Hudson Says:

    Since it is already Sept. 1st, please provide mailing address so that a box can be sent ASAP. Thank you.

  145. Jan Says:

    Oh my gosh…I just finished filling out the Customs Declaration form. Some info to help with this should be added to the FAQ. The question that really stumped me was a phone # for Major LaFlamme. I just filled in some numbers! It might have been easier to do it at the post office.

  146. Shirley Says:

    OK..I’m ready to start making my bundle. Now I need an address. Thanks so much for this tangible way for me to help.

  147. Elizabeth Durand Says:

    Wow, I got a lot in that box!! How do I estimate the value of the fabric for the customs declaration? One large piece is cloth I bought around 1980 to make a shirt for an old boyfriend (nice cloth, though), and the rest has been around here for a while.

  148. Christy Says:

    I don’t know if I can get it together by the 8th, but I will try!

  149. Betsy Earls Says:

    Please send me the address for bundles. I have way too much stash, and it would be great if you had someone who could use it. Thanks!

  150. jeanne gray Says:

    If you would send me the address- I’ll get a box together thanks!

  151. Barbara Says:

    Please send me your address. I learned about you from MasonDixonKnitting.com

  152. Megan Von Behren Says:

    Please send me the address. I’ve got a yarn stash that needs depleting. Thanks!

  153. Mary Ann Johnson Says:

    Please send me the APO address. Can do quickly! Thanks, Mary Ann

  154. diane miller Says:

    Need your address. Love your idea. God Bless all of you.

  155. Deb Soike Says:

    I have lots knitting needles enherited from my mother-in-law I can easily send with stuff from my stash. Pls send address.

  156. Virgene Travis Says:

    Please send me the address. I’m going to go to my stash and start pulling items right now & I’ll get it in the mail tomorrow. Thank you for doing this!

  157. Missy Ann Says:

    I finally found some flat rate boxes! Could you please send me the mailing address?


  158. juania quinn Says:

    Great idea! I’m ready to participate. Please send address. I’ll let my friends know.

  159. Valynne28 Says:

    Heard about this project from Peninsula Wearable Art Group, and have passed it along to my local quilt guild. Please email the MOST current address to mail a box to.

  160. AJ Says:

    Please send IBOL addy … Would jerseys or sheers be appropriate? They would be suitable for clothing or kids clothes or saleable items. I also have some of the heavier wools/blends PLease advise this is a great project!!! Thank you!!

  161. Beverly Velazquez Says:

    Just found out about this 2 Sept…but our group is ready to send bundles out tomorrow…Thanks to all who have led and continue to lead such projects! And THANKS FOR SERVING!!


  162. Peggy Simon Says:

    I would love to donate. Please send me the address.

  163. mmccaff Says:

    September 7 is Labor Day. if I get it to the PO 9/8 is that too late? That gives me the 3-day weekend to get my act together. Please provide the address… Thank you for what you’re doing…

  164. Chelsy Hopper Says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    We need the address so we can put a box in the mail on Friday.

  165. RogueKnits Says:

    Hope I’m not too late – saw a post on Ravelry! Have yarn – need a ship to address!

  166. Susan Finch Says:

    My volunteers are asking if this is tax deductible. If so, we’d need a 501c3 number. It not, just let us know. I didn’t know how to answer the question.


  167. Linda Leininger Says:

    I have my box and am ready to put fabric in it. Please send me the address.

  168. Barbara Ruppert Says:

    Please send me the address.

  169. Janet Kelly Says:

    I just got back from visiting a grandbaby and will do what I can to send at least 1 package. thanks for the opportunity

  170. Cymberleah Says:

    Please send me the address as well, I have things I can share.

  171. jac Says:

    Please send me the address of where to mail the items. Also, if the box is a flat rate, cant we send books as well?

    Thanks, Jac

  172. Odette Says:

    Thanks for your generosity and your service. Please send address.

  173. Mary Kay Higgins Says:

    Hi–Great thing you are doing. I’d love to get some of this stuff out of my house, so please send me the APO address and I’ll get them out in the mail tomorrow.

    Mary Kay

  174. Megan Von Behren Says:

    Please help! The post office will not accept my package since it doesn’t have a person’s name in the address. They said it has to be a person’s name, a rank, commanding officer, or “any soldier.” I’m running up against the deadline. Any assistance would be great. Thanks!

  175. Emily Fields Says:

    please send address article this morning in Honolulu Advertiser. Will go create package now and mail today Best wishes from land of 25th ID

  176. Bernie Says:

    Will get box today, need address by Tue AM

  177. Sylvia Says:

    I am so glad that I saw the article in the paper this morning about this WONDERFUL project. I have TONS of sewing items: fabric; thread; zipper; bias tapes. I am thrilled that I can share my “treasure” with someone else. Please, please provide me the mailing address.

  178. Halli Says:

    Thank you for putting this together. I would love to help. Please send the address.

  179. Elizabeth Norcross Says:

    I saw Lee Cataluna’s article and know I have sewing stuff to send. What’s the address?
    Thank you for doing this project!

  180. Barbara Reaveley Says:

    My box went to the post office today, Friday.
    A hearty “thank you” for all your good work in this project and your military service.

  181. Robin Says:

    I would like to help… I’ve got lots of stuff that I didn’t know what to do with, until now! Please let me know what address to send it to.

  182. molly Says:

    I can try to get 2 boxes in the mail on Tuesday — one sewing and one knitting. Just need the address.

  183. Lara Says:

    Please send me the information… I will be sending from Canada.

  184. Kathy Says:

    I already got the address and am sending 3 boxes with tightly packed bundles tomorrow morning. These are from several ladies in my quilt guild. I hope we hear a report back about how many bundles you receive.

  185. Ellie Lott Says:



  186. Kiki Says:

    We’re moving to Korea and cleaning out the closets and drawers. Your wonderful project has allowed me to happily part with all the extra fabric “I just knew I would use one day.” Thanks for helping me to help someone else. Please send the address and I will get my bundles on their way on the 8th.

  187. Esther Wiebke Says:

    Help! — I have my bundle all made and in the box ready to go. I got out the customs forms and I have absolutely no idea how many yds. of fabric are in there, nor what I should declare is the value. They all came out of my stash and have no idea. How did others fill this one out? Feel like a dunce on this one and I was given entirely different forms to fill out than I have used for other international shipping that I have done in the past.

    • Bonnie Krug Says:

      Rather than put ‘yards of’ I would go with something like # of pieces of fabric. If you put any notions or anything in, though, be sure to list them. Especially anything metal or anything that might look “suspicious” in x-ray. (needles, scissors, etc.)

  188. Bonnie Krug Says:

    I have looked through the posts and don’t see answers to these questions. Sorry if I missed them….
    1) I assume that camouflage material should not be sent because it would pose a potential security risk. Please confirm.
    2) If you use a (larger) box rather than the large FRB, do you still want items bundled? Do you want them bundled in the FRB and then transfered to the larger box (so all the bundles are uniform in size)?
    3) If notions (needles, scissors, buttons, etc) are sent, should they be included in the materal bundles or separate?

  189. deedeenelson Says:

    Thank you so much for doing all of the wonderful groundwork for us!!! I just moved and have a stash of fabrics and yarn that I would love to donate. Please send me your address and I will get them in the mail on Tuesday, September 8. (I hope that the 8th is not too late, as the 7th is labor day and the Post Office is closed).

  190. Sage Says:

    Is it too late? Our post office is probably closed on Sept. 7th because it is Labor Day. Can it be post marked on Sept. 8th?

    If so, please send me the address and name to send my box to. Thanks. Shukran.

  191. Maureen Says:

    What a great idea! Please send the address! Thanks for all you do!

  192. Jenny Says:

    Please send me the address – would love to get a bundle together tonight and mail it out first thing tomorrow!

    Thank you 🙂

  193. malia Says:

    it is 9/7. I just found this, am I too late?

  194. Michelle G. Says:

    I have my bundler ready to post tomorrow, Tuesday. But, have you changed the address? Please send me the correct address!
    I hope you receive thousands of bundles! This is a wonderful project!
    Michelle Glenn

  195. Judith Augustine Says:

    I mailed my bundle yesterday (Sept 8) and it came BACK to me today with inadequate postage!! Strange, since I purchased the postage at the post office. Is it possible for me to send it today (09/09/09) or possibly tomorrow (if I don’t get your response in time?) Thanks again for doing this.

  196. Charlene Aquino Says:

    Aloha from Molokai! Just read Lee Cataluna’s article on the Honolulu Advertiser website and learned about your fantastic IBOL project. I know I’ve missed the deadline but hope that your project will be continued by others. Yes! I have fabric to send. Great to hear about your wonderful efforts!

  197. Jodi Altendorf Says:

    Is it too late? Is anyone else continuing this?

  198. Betty Zornizer Says:

    Would love to help. Please notify me of your next project.


  199. Steff Says:


    I found this site quite by accident & would be very interested to be a part of this (how wonderful of you to have thought of it!!!). Where/how do I start?

    Thank you..and have a lovely day. Wish you all the best in 2010!

  200. JAB Says:

    Is anyone continuing this project? I have items I’d love to send. Thanks.

  201. Pat Tahan Says:

    I am going to be cleaning my sewing closet and donating most of its contents. Is this project still on or should I send my donation elsewhere.

  202. Judy Reichler Says:

    Please send me the APO address so I can get out at least one box right away. Good work!

  203. Phyllis Cullen Says:

    What size box, where, and do you want polyester satin bridal and bridesmaid dresses and fabric. And who do I send the custom form to?

  204. gerri newfry Says:

    i would love to send a bundle. please send the details. and thank you.

  205. Sandi Makowski Says:

    Please send me the APO address. I’d love to help out.

  206. Marion Says:

    Please send me the APO address. Mahalo.

  207. Brooke Flynn Says:

    Please send the shipping address and one thousand blessings on you!

  208. Florence Hosler Says:

    Just heard you are doing this again…need the address..have Mom packing her boxes as I write!!!!!!!

  209. Tania Says:

    You sent me the address earlier but I have missplaced it. Now we have 3 boxes to mail. Can we put anything in the bundles about who sent the package?
    Thank you for this it is a great thing.

  210. eleanor Says:

    address please

  211. Mary Agnes Larson Says:

    Plesae send me address to send bundle! Can I share it directly with my quilting group and knitting friends?

    • IBOL Guy Says:

      Absolutely! There’s even a flier for that. I’m just trying to keep the address off of the web, so that it doesn’t take on a life of its own.

  212. Leila Says:

    Could you please send me your address? This is a great program. There has been so much destruction in Iraq and so much hate in the media. Let our Iraqi sisters know that we love them and are sorry for all the turmoil in their lives.

  213. molly Says:

    missed out on IBOL I — trying to get it together for IBOL II. PLease send me the address. A hearty thanks for all your work — on behalf of Iraqi women and American citizens.

  214. Sally Says:

    Please send me the address. I have huge amounts of clothing fabric that I can send in bundles with buttons, etc.

  215. Becky Says:

    Please send you address, I want to send a box.

  216. RobinDenning Says:

    Hi, can you please send an email with the address so I can send a bundle.

  217. Caelie Says:

    I’m in! With my stash I can put together a box in an hour, all I need is the address. This is a brilliant idea, thank you for doing this.

  218. Anne Says:

    I missed the deadline last year, but I’ll make it this year! Please send me the address. Thanks!

  219. Linda Laird Says:

    What phone number do we use for the addressee on the 2976-A customs form?

  220. Rana Says:

    Please send me the address. Thank you.

  221. Laura Says:

    Please send me the address; I will pack up a box or two. Good luck.

  222. Judy Reichler Says:

    You sent me the APO, but I need it again. Thanks.

  223. Lenore Says:

    Please send me the address. I have several bundles to send. Thanks!!

  224. Karen Says:

    A warm and wonderful project. Please send me the address.

  225. linda Says:

    I am having problem filling out the custom form on line – they ask for information I do not have as well as weight / cost etc — no recognition of flat rate boxes…. is it possible to do this on line?


  226. Touran Talebi Says:

    Hi, I’d love to send a box. Thank you for doing this.

  227. pendlestitches Says:

    I know I’m cutting it fine for the deadline, but please count me in! Even though I’m not in the US, I’d love to help.

    God bless you.

  228. Mary wyo Says:

    Please send the address and any tips I may need for the customs form. thank you!

    • IBOL Guy Says:

      Every now and again, the Post Office really, really wants a phone number. When all else fails, I use my own. I figure, “Let ’em call me — I can explain how this works.”

  229. Juanita Says:

    Please send me the address– would love to send a bundle.

  230. 2010 in review « Iraqi Bundles of Love Says:

    […] FAQ August 2009 236 comments […]

  231. JeanP Says:

    I would like to participate in the next program. I sent three packages in the first and often think about the recipients knitting away with the needles and yarn I included.

  232. Barbara Christ Says:

    I would like to share the info with my quilt guild. When may they begin to mail their boxes and to where? What is the deadline?

  233. Tina Sutherland Says:

    Please send me the address…and I’ll spread the word.
    Can you use sewing patterns? They would be in English, but some have Spanish and French instruction…would those be better?
    And since I have a LOT of patterns can you suggest what sort of things would be appropriate?
    Kids clothing, adult…anything not OK?

  234. Carol J Says:

    I would like to participate this year and have lots of supplies that need a new home. Please send the address and I’ll get my packages ready! Thanks!

  235. Peggy Says:

    Hi ~ I would love to participate in IBOL! Please send me the APO information. This is such a wonderful idea. Thank you!

  236. R Says:

    Hi, please send me your address. I sent a box the first time and now I would love to send more. Thank you for doing this. R

  237. SJ Says:

    I’m having customs form trouble on-line. It is demanding a phone number for the recipient. It won’t let me enter all zeros. Do I need to order paper forms? Is there even a phone number there?

    Also, if following the instructions on the long form, you have to come up with WEIGHTS for each item. Thank goodness I have a scale!

  238. Lynn Says:

    Hi, I love this idea! Please send the APO info. I picked up 2 boxes this morning. If I decide to so more, do I need to warn you that they’re coming?

  239. donna frederick Says:

    wonderful idea to lighten the load in your craft room and at the same time help other people. please forward me the po address. thank you

  240. Suzy Says:


    I walk my dogs with your sister Beth and Mina around Miller Creek Park. She has told me about your wonderful program. I have enough for two bundles if you still need them for this surge let me. If not should I wait for the next surge?
    Keep up the good work God Bless

  241. S. Hawthorne Says:

    Could you clarify something for me? I just received the address to mail the bundles to but the cutoff date is the end of April. I can’t get my package in the mail by then. Is it okay to send it to that address sometime in May or should I hold it until a later date? Thanks.

    • IBOL Guy Says:

      I sent you an email, too. But the answer is, if its close, that’s fine. If it’s mid to late May, well, I can get you the next address, too.

  242. Kelley Says:

    I would like to send a box or 2 during the next drive. Would you please provide me with the address? Great thing you are doing.

  243. Dayle Sanford Says:

    Please send me the APO address. This is a great idea.

  244. Carolanne Says:

    Please send me the APO address so I can get started on this great plan!

  245. Cheryl Gajowski Says:

    Is IBOL still going on? If yes, please send me the APO address and I’ll get packing.

  246. Nancy Says:

    Is this still going? If so, I’d like an address please. Thank you for your service to our country. Nancy

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